Monday, November 10, 2014

Student posting issues for blog wk2

Several of you were having issues creating a new post for week 2.

First of all make sure you are signed into your gmail or sign in at the top right of your blog.

If you click sign in at the top right to your gmail the link sign in will lead you to your blog your screen should look like this.

You will then have the the option to create a new post.

Or you can sign into your gmail and then go back to your blog URL.

You will see your gmail account, new post, design, and sign out. 

You can click new post or design to change the features and this will also link you back to the option to create a new post. 

Hope this helps. 

Mr. Mac

1 comment:

  1. I am so new to this I have no idea what I am doing. I just accidently got to this page. I couldn't figure out how to get to the class blogs to post. I know im late now but I will do my responses anyway for the practice. I am sorry.
