Friday, April 29, 2016

LBSU 302: Information Fluency & Academic Integrity - Summer 2016

Welcome new students to my research blog and the class LBSU 302: Information Fluency and Academic Integrity.

My name is John Macomber and I am your instructor this semester. I have taught this course for over two years online and in hybrid format and every semester, with your help, I have been able to improve the courseroom. Beyond Blackboard and the assignment PDFs, please use this site as a frame of reference or how to guide to complete your work. If anything seems unclear please notify me and we can discuss it as a class in many cases it is very possible that others in the class may have the same question.

Blog replies

This blog is also a starting point to direct you to your peers blogs which will be necessary in upcoming assignments when you respond to your classmates posts. I recommend that each week that replies are required, you respond to someone you have not responded to before. This will ensure our class conversation circulates throughout our digital classroom.

There will be two courses using this blog the online, and the Hybrid course, make sure you are corresponding with the right course when you have to send your blog replies in week 2. :)

Thank you and good luck in your future research

John Macomber